The Rise of Technocratic Fascism
Technology in the Digital Age is leading to global Fascism and sadly this is how.....
Technocracy is a relatively modern term that has been used to describe the rise of digital technology and its use of power and influence by government and economic institutions. Every country on Earth has some form of computerized digital data being transferred constantly from one individual to another and from groups of individuals to institutions and so on. Governments and corporations are constantly streaming data to the public, while streaming data to each other. And hacking, whether it is illegal or legal, adds a different dimension of unknown data being stolen when you incorporate various government intelligence agencies. This creates a situation where there is no privacy between international private institutions and national government bodies. This can create conditions for authoritarianism to take hold of free societies. What are the implications of this new reality?
I make the pessimistic case, based on facts, that these implications are anything but good for the citizens of western nations and I explain what these realities are. The cup is half empty when it comes to the power of digital information in the hands of multi-national corporations and western democratic governance. Governments in the west have taken advantage of this new digital age by empowering “big tech” corporations, while these big tech corporations like Google empower authoritarian governments like China in the East. These worldwide “big tech” corporations are now dictating what free thought truly is. They do this through an interactive form of digital expression called social networking. This twenty year old digital phenomenon started with a website called Six Degrees in 1997, then advanced with MySpace in 2003, and now Facebook is the giant that it is today.
In Western nations, not authoritarian states, these social media sites are now monitoring citizenry through so called private institutions, with or without their approval. Unfortunately hackers, which tend to bend civil liberty laws, have the ability to manipulate all devices and computers to unlock user information.
This fact was revealed by a well known NSA agent named Edward Snowden. This former NSA computer genius brought to light the reality that the hacking capabilities of intelligence agencies trumped the privacy rights of the American people. In 2013, he revealed that there was a direct line for all online communications of every citizen straight to NSA servers, and that these servers were in communication with other countries through the “five eyes” spy network. In his book Permanent Record, he showed the world how western nations would share each other’s data and spy on each other’s sovereign citizens. For example, if the U.S. wanted to spy on a certain citizen they would just ask Britain to do it for them; that way, technically, the U.S. wasn’t breaking any of its own constitutional laws. These devious acts of five eyes spying, NSA server compilations, and international database sharing are very real. They have created a situation for a long time where citizens have lost their rights to privacy and could be manipulated by corporate technocrats.
But now, almost a decade later, it seems that there is no reason to hide the fact that privacy rights have been destroyed. This is because these so called private institutions called “big tech” are colluding with governments all across the world to stifle speech and spy on citizens.
America is the most recent example with President Joe Biden and his press secretary, Jenn Psaki, openly admitting that they are working with Facebook to combat “mis-information” and “conspiracy theories.” In reality they are just combating dissent from the official narrative of the corporate media, which consists of only six media corporations. These six media companies are known as “the Big Six.” According to in an article called, The 6 Companies That Own (almost) All Media, these conglomerates are controlled by six CEOs. These conglomerates are Comcast, Disney, Time Warner, Sony, National Amusements, and Newscorp. These corporations are worth about 430 Billion dollars. According to the article, these corporations control movies, music, streaming websites, amusement parks, news stations, magazines, video games, publication websites, and cable service providers.
This consolidation of corporate power creates a closed market atmosphere that can easily be persuaded by government, or the reverse, can persuade government, to push certain polices and media narratives.
National governments and international corporations that are “too big to fail” own the narrative while they work lockstep with “Big tech” social media monopolies. This colluding of government and corporations working in unison has many names, but a quote by Benito Mussolini describes what newfound system we have in the United States and abroad.
Benito said,
Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power
Corporatism or fascism, is the new American system that is about to replace the free market if it hasn’t already. This is up for interpretation but it is grudgingly being accepted by many scholars. This new corporatism is amplified by the digital information age to create technocratic fascism. This fascistic technocracy has emerged either naturally or unnaturally, but the latter is more probable. On the other hand, it could just be a natural progression due to the erosion of privacy rights. Or this could be an unintended consequence of a digital world that is prone to hacking. What is more probable of the two, is the unnatural emergence of digital corporatism and this is proved by an article written on September 1st 2001.
The article from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, called Corporatism Goes Global explains that corporatism has been adopted and accepted at an international level since the 1990’s. For the past 20 years NGO’s, national labor unions, and the United Nations have worked with the World Economic Forum to create a type of fascistic global governance system.
The article says,
Conceptually, corporatism is a system that gives a variety of functional interest groups most prominently business organizations and labor unions direct representation in the political system, defusing conflict among them and creating instead broad consensus on policies. Corporatism is thus an answer not necessarily a good one to the question of democratic participation. Direct participations by all citizens in decision making is possible only in very small polities, no matter what marvels the information revolution is producing. Representative democracy is the usual alternative, but it has its own shortcomings, particularly in deeply divided societies. It creates majorities and minorities, and if these are based on interests or identities that are not likely to change, certain groups will be perpetually in the minority, and thus their interests will not be adequately represented. Numerically weaker economic interest groups or ethnic minorities may never gain a meaningful voice. Furthermore representative democracy is a conflictual model of governance, with competition among parties and candidates, and it produces winners and losers.
Corporatism provides an alternative model of participation: direct participation not by the far too numerous individual citizens, but by a limited number of corporate groups to which they supposedly belong. In the classic corporatism that developed in the European countries of early 20th century, corporate groups were defined essential in terms of social class, with labor organizations and business councils supplemented by associations of farmers and other occupational groups as the key component of the system. More recently, similar proposals for direct representations of different population groups in ethnically divided societies have been set forth under the name of “consociationalism.” The conceptual similarity between corporatism and consociationalism is often overlooked, however, or it is deliberately ignored by proponents of consociationalism because corporatism is a controversial idea.
This article is promoting fascism, or corporatism, as a viable system of global governance. It is claiming that a fascist system is a better method of governance compared to a representative democracy because they claim it is more efficient. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace softly gives credence to Mussolini and Hitler’s effective rule of the state because it incorporates labor unions and farmers as core elements of its system. They even goes so far as to call this global fascism a “controversial idea.” This article defends fascistic socialist ideas, but it forgets to mention the murder and subjugation of millions of people by these “European countries in the early 20th century.” These same fascistic socialist ideas have committed countless crimes against humanity in the past century and will no doubt do worse with future implementation. These kinds of ideas should not be tolerated or entertained in any institution or have any thought to be taken seriously. These horrid ideas of a corporate utopia should be condemned and treated as treasonous, or at the very least mocked and ridiculed out of existence. This deplorable article, while it defends these ideas of global fascism, even admits that this is a terrible idea
The article said,
But Global corporatism is also a dangerous idea, to be approached with less enthusiasm and great caution than prevail now.
This article shows the fact that corporatism, or fascism, has been on the rise since 2001. Now, twenty years later, we are at a point of no return. The terrifying reality of global technocratic fascism is very real and it is upon us at this very moment, especially since the Great Reset has been set into motion. This Great Reset is a fascistic re-structuring of all world economies across the globe to manage the direct consequences of the Covid 19 pandemic and the debatable falsity of climate change. It is also put forth by the same organizations and the same people that made the article defending and promoting the idea of global fascism twenty years ago.
Quoting from the World Economic Forum website,
The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems, from health and financial to energy and education—are more exposed than ever amidst a context of concern for lives, livelihoods, and the planet. Leaders find themselves at a historic crossroads, managing short-term pressures against medium and long-term uncertainties.
The fact of the matter is that the western world handled the uncertainties very well. The credit should be given to the free market systems that were already in place, and changing them would be catastrophic.
The website also says,
As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honors the dignity of every human being
This vague terminology is trying to sell the idea of a worldwide corporatist/fascist initiative by taking advantage of a crisis that has killed hundreds of thousands of people. This push in the wrong direction is at the hands of an authoritarian communist regime. It has been widely hypothesized that China, accidently or intentionally, released this virus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This suspicion of a Wuhan virus release was denied by social media companies and was reason enough to censor users, later it was revealed that this lab-leak was a strong possibility. This is ridiculous to think that these companies are censoring the truth and pushing narratives that very possibly could have been established as scientific facts. But facts do not matter to technocratic fascists only narratives that are pushed by the technocracy.
The World Economic Forum’s website mentioned the numbered days of the free market, Klaus Schwab said this,
To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short we need a “Great Reset’ of capitalism.
This is a blatant push towards worldwide corporatism and could be the catalyst to tyranny across all nations. The international corporations are the reason for so many problems in the world today and to think that these corporations would have a solution to the problems they have created is foolish. If the world keeps going down this road, this corporate and governmental merge will have complete authoritarian control of everyone’s lives through a fascist technocracy.
In France, the fascistic technocracy has reached a degree of total authoritarianism. President Emmanuel Macron, who was a former Rothschild banker, decreed that all citizens of France have to have a digital vaccine passport to enter museums, movie theaters, swimming pools, and other public places. French police officers, instead of stopping actual criminals, now have to patrol diners and cafes to make sure everyone eating has their vaccine passports. To add the fascistic twist to the despicable plot, vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna have immensely increased the price of vaccines in the European Union. This state sponsored criminal behavior is a medical tyranny that is pushed by technocratic fascism. This level of authoritarianism has not been seen since Hitler and his fellow corporatists occupied the French nation in WW2. This despicable despotism raises many questions about the political circumstances and nature of statesman in western nations.
The question is: what, as a supposedly free society, should we do about this? Is this an inevitable future of the digital age that must be prevented and counteracted? Or is this because of crony capitalism and western democracies, and the abuse of technology? Is there a solution?
Only time will tell but the time to act is now with political action carried out in the streets. These undeniable facts have brought light to the very real possibility that citizens all over the world could live in a technocratic fascist society if they don’t already. This is a society where the few will control the many with absolute relentless power. This relentless power is upheld by the annihilation of privacy rights all across the world due to the evolution of the digital age. In the near future, corporations will merge completely with western governments and destroy any form of dissent from the worldwide technocracy's narratives. All civil liberties will be destroyed and the global fascist state will decide the fate of the world. Unelected bodies will dictate what we do underneath the façade of constitutional republics and fake democracy. Free societies will be a shell of what they once were, just like the souls trapped in men’s minds for which society interacts with. Your soul is in your body, not the body of a technocratic fascist regime, the change starts with you.
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3. Snowden, Edward. Permanent Record. New York : Metropolitan Books, 2019.
4. Bergengruen, Alana Abramson and Vera. Joe Biden's Fight With Facebook Is Just Beginning. Time Magazine Website. [Online] July 20th , 2021.
5. Team, WebFX. The 6 Companies That Own (Almost) All Media. WebFX Blog. [Online] 2017. http://www-webfx-com.cdn.
6. Casey, Dan. Quote of the day: Benito Mussoliini on corporatism. The Roanoke Times. [Online] June 6th, 2019.
7. Ottaway, Marina. Corporatism Goes Global. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. [Online] September 1st, 2001.
8. The Great Reset. The World Economic Forum website. [Online] 2021.
9. Parnell, Newley. Facebook Ends Ban on Posts Asserting Covid-19 Was Man-Made. The Wall Street Journal. [Online] May 27th, 2021.
10. Schwab, Klaus. Now is the time for a 'great reset'. World Economic Forum. [Online] June 3rd, 2020.
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