The Controlled Demolition of the Dollar
The American dollar is on the operating table as India sides with Russia and China economically.
The International Oligarchy known as “the globalists” are planning for the collapse of world markets which has been looming since the last time the market crashed in 2008. Nothing has changed since the last crash besides the printing of trillions of dollars which has acted as a band-aid or a pain killer for the world market. To use a health analogy, this painkiller of quantitative easing and fiat money printing has not fixed the problem, it has just put off the financial reckoning that is about to come. In fact, the band-aid painkiller of money printing has actually made the financial wound worse because it has allowed the wound to fester with an economic infection. The government bailouts have hit their limit and nothing can be done because inflation has already affected world markets. Basically we can’t print anymore money in the western world, because we have no more money to print. The more money we print, the worse the inflation will get, and the worse the inflation gets the less the money will be worth. The western world has hit its credit limit, and it is about to pay for all its decadence which was only possible from its willingness to kick the can down the road; it’s time to pay up.
Instead of taking advantage of GDP growth in the past 10 to 15 years since the crash, and paying back national debt, the Federal Reserve has been printing the world economy into oblivion. The controversial commentator Glenn Beck released a video a couple months ago that was the biggest bombshell story that was buried by the mainstream media. This is a tactic by the mainstream media; it is not only the lies of the media that you have to circumvent to find the truth, but it is the distraction away from stories that were never printed that must be investigated to uncover reality. This is the genuine purpose of an investigative journalist, to investigate what is truth and look past the distraction and lies. Glenn Beck and groups like Investment Watch were one of the first to uncover the reality of the Feds lies.
Investment Watch reported in January that the Federal Reserve lied about how much money was spent bailing out the banks in 2008, and because of a FOIA request by the LEVI Economics Institute, and only because of the request, the true numbers were released and the books were officially examined. The LEVI Economics Institute had to wait ten years to get this information because the biggest lies take the most amount of time to uncover.
The biggest lie is that the bailout from 2008 didn’t cost 5 Trillion dollars; it cost 29 Trillion dollars, which is what they claim the national debt is right now as I write these words. The reality of this investigation is that the real national debt is over 100 Trillion dollars, and what they claim the national debt is now, was actually the price tag of the bail out back then. The Federal Reserve got away with this by digitizing 30 Trillion dollars between the years of 2008 to 2010, which was perhaps the greatest secret of the Obama administration. They digitized most of the money produced by the bailouts, and printed the rest. This cover-up operation, and the discovery by the FOIA request, is the biggest unreported story in the history of the printing press.
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This is not even the worst revelation by the FOIA request; the worst revelation was that American people bailed out the entire world when the market officially fell apart back in 2008. The FOIA request revealed that the Federal Reserve, using our tax money, bailed out foreign banks like the pathetic Deutsche Bank, which is the worst functioning bank in the entire world. This bank, and banks like it, have been failing non-stop before and after the American people have bailed them out, and they will never pay back the money taken from the tax payers.
According to Glenn Beck and the FOIA request,
We gave billions to the Bank of Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, the UK, France, Belgium; we gave 3.7 Trillion dollars to Japan, 1.4 Trillion to the UK, 1.3 Trillion to Germany, we bailed the world out to the tune of 29 Trillion dollars. They digitized 29 Trillion dollars and didn’t tell you a damn thing about it. And they gave it to people all over the world.
The Federal Reserve Bank is the most criminal bank in the history of the world because of the blatant robbery that it has conducted against the American people. It is so sad, yet so logical, that the Federal Reserve is the greatest enemy the people have ever faced, and will continue to face for the rest of our lives. This is the problem with Fascism which is the very definition of government bailouts. True Free market Capitalism does not reward constant failure of corrupt financial institutions for their despicable business practices. In this aspect the entirety of western civilization became fascist over 10 years ago. The reality is that we the American people are being ruled by fascists. We live in a fascist society, which makes everyone a fascist; sadly this means Antifa is correct, unfortunately their solutions will cause the fascism to get worst. This is why Antifa is a sad joke, even though they are correct with their assumptions of living in a fascistic system. It is too bad Antifa are a bunch of pathetic losers who have no idea how the real world works while they live in their mom’s basement.
We the People bailed out the entire world and we have nothing to show for it, nor will we ever. We didn’t get any credit for saving the financial ruin of the entire world; in fact we got the opposite. We were ridiculed and mocked the entire time we were bled dry by people that despised us. But the problem is that the world will have to pay that money back no matter what, and that pay back is called the value of the dollar. This world reserve currency not only holds value, it represents, symbolizes, and holds in place the hegemony of western civilization. Hyper-inflation is knocking on our door and there is nothing that can prepare for the reckoning. Sadly, to use a ridiculous analogy, it’s time for western society to pay the catering bill, or start washing the dishes.
The ruling class in the World Economic Forum has realized this for a long time and this fact of “de-dollarization” is what is at the very core of the Great Reset. These corporate thieves in the world have stolen everything to the point that there is nothing left to steal without destroying the financial system, so they have to build a new world financial system of their own, a fascistic one world order. The World Economic Forum has levied the western world’s greatest enemies to create a controlled demolition of the dollar. The World Economic Forum, which is not based in America, is pushing World hegemony in the direction of Russia and China right before our very eyes. This is a controlled demolition of free-market capitalism and is the beginning of world wide fascist authoritarianism.
The World Government Summit just released their plan for the world at the same time that Russia announced that it is declaring war on the dollar. This week, the World Government Summit put together by the WEF and Klaus Schwab displayed their plan for the world, which in their words, they call the New World Order. This group preaches that humans are bad and they are heating up the oceans with their fossil fuels, while at the same time they say that the internet will be free for everybody. Klaus Schwab brings about the 4th industrial revolution of complete Technocratic Fascism where everyone will be constantly monitored by the “Big Brother” system.
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At #WorldGovSummit you can see for yourself your future of worldwide enslavement being displayed in front of you. Financial criminals from all over the world gathered at this summit which was held in Dubai, the model city for the future. This summit points out western societies’ economic flaws which were brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. They use Covid-19 as an excuse why the world economy is failing, instead of looking in the proverbial mirror with their own dirty and corrupt business practices impoverishing the entire world. These monsters could pay for the damage that Covid-19 did in a day and still keep all of their money and power, instead they campaign for the destruction of the free market because they have used it up to the point of destitution.
This summit in Dubai makes you want to puke as you watch the phony corporate narrative, of the ruling class pretending to care about the working class as elevator music plays in the background. The reality is that this summit is another lobbyist get-together where these corporate monsters contrive plans to consolidate their own hegemonic power. These corporate Oligarchs don’t care about money anymore because they have more than they could ever spend in ten lifetimes, what they really want is power over you and your children. These corporate fascists want the power to make you starve to death if you don’t tow the company line; this new company they want to create is called One World Government. These corporate executives want total world domination over every so called free democratic nation in the world; they are sick of ruling their corporate board rooms and want to try their hand at an all powerful governing body.
At the same time this summit is happening the Russian Federation has just announced that it will only accept Rubles for gas exports from now on, this is set to begin on April fool’s day of 2022. Vladimir Putin has signed the executive order in to law which will ultimately have a negative impact on the value of the dollar. The world reserve currency will be challenged which is the same as challenging the status of the leading hegemonic global super-power on Earth. This means that Russia has basically hit the American people with an economic time bomb that could go nuclear. Countries like India are already complying with the demand which could lead an end to the “petro dollar.” Basically the Ponzi scheme of the world using American dollars for the world’s oil, and any exchange of oil worldwide, is now over; the American dollar will no longer be tied to the price of oil. This tie to oil is exactly what happened when America came off the gold standard and this is the price almost fifty years later. Does this mean the collapse of the dollar? The American people will find out sooner than later.
Most Americans don’t realize that the dollar is not backed by gold and hasn’t been for a long time. Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger took America off the gold standard at exactly the same time they opened up cheap trade with China, and started getting heavily involved with operations in the Middle East. The problem with this is that paper fiat currency has to be backed with some sort of asset, whether it is Gold, Oil, or Military strength. Although Hollywood would like you to believe something else, money cannot be backed up by good looks and acting skills, and unfortunately America has nothing left to offer to world markets, including Oil. The Oil market is making drastic changes and as it turns out that the Biden administrations sanctions against Russia had the opposite effect than intended.
The sanctions forced Russia to drop bombs on the American dollar with its wheeling and dealing strategy using its oil, which the Biden administration is trying to dump oil anyways with his secret “green new deal.” According to the Marxist inspired Sunrise Movement Group called it a “step towards our vision of a Green New Deal,” but that the vision “does not meet the scale and the scope of what we need to meet the true scale and urgency of the climate crisis.” This means that the Marxist activists that are promoted by the establishment want strict government policies on the elimination of most fossil fuels. This is the perfect climate for economic crisis revolving around an America that wants to get rid of oil, while at the same time, completely economically dependent on the oil market through the Petro-dollar system.
According to a Real Money article by Maleeha Bengali, this business in Ukraine could lead to an eventual end of the entire American dollar Oil driven system that fueled the entire world. But we have to look at the real cause of the problem and why we, as Americans, are in these situations. This was all brought about by the west’s weaponization of its financial hegemony with endless sanctions that it never seemed to have the willingness to lift. These sanctions were conducted against numerous countries that circumvented these economic attacks by doing business with each other. This created a complete polarization between the east and the west which has only brought America’s enemies closer together. Now they are working in solidarity to benefit one another, which some are saying is a complete backfire from what was intended. But is this actually the case? Is this a planned and willful transfer of hegemonic power? Are the western oligarchic elites purposefully and willfully transferring hegemonic power to the east through the controlled demolition of the dollar? A document that was presented during a joint meeting with the Russians and the Chinese on February 4th, 2022, shows the willingness for western leaders to shift hegemonic power from the west to the east.
This document came from a joint meeting with Russians and Chinese and it was showcased on news channels like The Hill and Australia’s own Skynews with the news heading mentioning a New World Order and it’s relation to this document. This document called, “In Their Words, A Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China,” reads more like a corporate mission statement than a diplomatic outreach to the rest of the world; it reads like it was written by the World Economic Forum rather than the respective governments of Russia and China. Although nowhere in the document does the term “New World Order,” get used together, it does use the term “World Order” six different times on twelve different pages and it mentions the United Nations twelve different times. Kim Iverson reported about this document in a video called, China Russia, Declare A New World Order in Released Joint Statement.
Certain commentators from The Hill mentioned this document is full of platitudes because, the document preaches the need and importance of democracy, yet Russia and China are in no way democracies. Everything about these countries is anti-democratic, meaning the people don’t get to vote for anything, meanwhile, the nation that is more democratic in nature, Russia, has become an enemy of the western hegemonic powers since the invasion of Ukraine. Keep in mind, this document was put together prior to the conflict in Ukraine, so it does not reference the current animosity between The Russian Federation and western society. It seems odd though; that the conflict happened almost immediately after this document was presented to the world. This could be a giant coincidence, if you believe in such things.
For a document that sounds like it came from the WEF called In Their Own Words, to come before a massive conflict between two powerful nations seems like too much of a coincidence to not be planned. This document, called In Their Own Words, seems anything but their own words but from the richest and most powerful people at organizations like the UN and the WEF. If you can stomach to read the document, decide for yourself, do you believe these words came out of the mouths of the Russian and Chinese leadership, or did these words come from the big-wig bureaucrats in the United Nations?
This document is very interesting because it not only mentions the economic plan called the Belt and Road Initiative, but it mentions internet censorship and the origin of the Covid-19. “In their own words,” is almost a complete denial of already proven truths about the Chinese Communist Party. It is in denial of the evidence that the virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the well recorded human rights abuses of political dissidents, the Falun Gong, and the Uyghur Muslims. This document denies these things exist, while it seems to preach to other nations with a “holier than thou” attitude about the best way to govern. This document points out all the flaws of the United States, while at the same time, it negates all of the current atrocities that these two self proclaimed perfect countries are committing. And the document, or joint-statement, does this while showing no sign of humility or guilt. This is a tell-tale sign of authoritarian governments that will always blame someone else for their own horrific actions. This is the same lack of “sinner cast the first stone” type of humbleness and modesty that the United Nations practices when they preach to their constituents. This lack of guilt by authoritarian governments is the same kind of anti-empathetic behavior that psychotic serial killers feel towards their victims. Basically, authoritarian governments act like serial killers as they murder, persecute, and abuse their own citizens with no sign of remorse.
These organizations and governments never do anything wrong as they leave their supporters starving and their advocates in ashes while they propel the future of “global governance.”
One subject in this joint statement that shows their true intentions is Internet security, for which they said this,
The sides support the internationalization of Internet governance, advocate equal rights to its governance, believe that any attempts to limit their sovereign right to regulate national segments of the Internet and ensure their security are unacceptable, are interested in greater participation of the International Telecommunication Union in addressing these issues. The sides intend to deepen bilateral cooperation in international information security on the basis of the relevant 2015 intergovernmental agreement. To this end, the sides have agreed to adopt in the near future a plan for cooperation between Russia and China in this area.
This shows that when it comes down to it, free speech is not Russia and China’s idea of human rights for which their own citizens are constantly persecuted for. They also bring up terrorism in this joint statement and complain that terrorism should not be politicized even though, the labeling of someone a terrorist is a political statement which separates’ terrorism from any other form of criminal behavior. Basically, anybody who says anything they want, including the avocation of a right to vote (democracy), is inexorably a terrorist. True democratic values, like freedom of speech, are terrorism and criminal behavior in these countries.
The document contradicts itself with different notions about terrorism and human rights which are contradictory subjects,
The sides condemn terrorism in all its manifestations, promote the idea of creating a single global anti-terrorism front, with the United Nations playing a central role, advocate stronger political coordination and constructive engagement in multilateral counterterrorism efforts. The sides oppose politicization of the issues of combating terrorism and their use as instruments of policy of double standards, condemn the practice of interference in the internal affairs of other States for geopolitical purposes through the use of terrorist and extremist groups as well as under the guise of combating international terrorism and extremism.
The sides believe that the advocacy of democracy and human rights must not be used to put pressure on other countries. They oppose the abuse of democratic values and interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states under the pretext of protecting democracy and human rights, and any attempts to incite divisions and confrontation in the world. The sides call on the international community to respect cultural and civilizational diversity and the rights of peoples of different countries to self-determination. They stand ready to work together with all the interested partners to promote genuine democracy.
The sides note that the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set noble goals in the area of universal human rights, set forth fundamental principles, which all the States must comply with and observe in deeds. At the same time, as every nation has its own unique national features, history, culture, social system and level of social and economic development, universal nature of human rights should be seen through the prism of the real situation in every particular country, and human rights should be protected in accordance with the specific situation in each country and the needs of its population. Promotion and protection of human rights is a shared responsibility of the international community. The states should equally prioritize all categories of human rights and promote them in a systemic manner. The international human rights cooperation should be carried out as a dialogue between the equals involving all countries. All States must have equal access to the right to development. Interaction and cooperation on human rights matters should be based on the principle of equality of all countries and mutual respect for the sake of strengthening the international human rights architecture.
These are tyrannical notions of a “global anti-terrorism front” where all political dissidents will be thrown into the gulag in the name of protecting citizens’ human rights. This Orwellian double-speak will be prevalent in the dystopian society that this document is promoting, with its internet censorship punishable by imprisonment.
The lies and deception will be never-ending and in your face in this future dystopia that the UN constantly pushes for with Global Governance with these authoritarian nations as leaders of the “democracy and human rights.” And heaven help you if you speak out against your own slavery as they will make George Orwell look like Dr. Seuss as they show you the error in your ways with “re-education.” Hyperbole takes a backseat when you look at the atrocities already committed by the Orwellian authoritarian nation of China, in this document they claimed once again, “Support for the One-China principle, confirms that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, and opposes any forms of independence of Taiwan.” The double standards are never ending as these countries show how great they are teaming up with the United Nations as this document shows. But what does all of this have to do with the fall of the dollar?
The answer is that this document is the death certificate for the American Dollar as it shows whose side the United Nations has joined when it comes to world hegemony. This document tries to discredit the existence of the very idea of world hegemony, as it talks about nuclear and chemical weapons proliferation as it hands the economic torch to the East with the Belt and Road initiative. It’s a cover-up PR operation for the true intentions of the corporate few that control the many. The United Nations does this like it is oblivious to the consequences of the west’s economic destruction as it calls for a reset of capitalism. There is no way that any of this posturing by the United Nations is not planned, or purposeful; they know what they are building and it is fascist global governance with the corporate fascistic rule taking the place of western hegemonic nations.
Basically the UN and the international corporate oligarchy headed by organizations like the WEF have completely sold the citizens of every western nation out, as well as, the very idea of western democracy as we know it. The New World Order is a new type of democratic order that is neither democratic nor new and it is fascistic and totalitarian in nature. It is propelling the future with a regressive form of government, the oldest form of government known to man, feudalism; they are rebranding the dark ages as trendy and futuristic, when in reality government for and by the people is the greatest achievement mankind has ever accomplished. The problem is that it is not easy to maintain, and people will take advantage of it and show no gratitude towards its success as they use every aspect of its benefit.
The collapse of the dollar means the collapse of everything that it represents. It means the collapse of the idea of a free market, the collapse of true democratic values, and the collapse of human rights. The New World Order will be the end of truth, and the age of double standard, double speak, and mob justice brought to you by the people that collapsed the system to begin with. This is an end to a voice by the people, as blatant lies will rule with an iron fist as the truth becomes “terrorism.” Russia, China, India, the UN, and the WEF have almost completed the controlled demolition of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which will become relics of the past forever slandered by the new writers of history. These writers of history will regard technocratic fascism as freedom and the free market as fascism as they propel the world into godlessness commanding you to worship the perfection of global governance; the one world order they are aiming to achieve. So the ultimate question is: What are “you” going to do about it?
Excellent points in this article. Very well stated.