The Center for Dissent Control
The CDC was caught tracking Americans movements without the knowledge of the American Public.
Selling the American citizens on their own oppression is a very real strategy of the ruling class governing the corporate controlled American Establishment. This path to American hell is paved by a promise of safety which is just a delusion and this false sense of security is more dangerous than any virus. Obviously America has become less safe since the release of a world-wide deadly pathogen, but are we going to ever return to the safety of normalcy.
In truth, we have never been more unsafe than we are right now. This is because of the destruction of our civil liberties, a possible world war on the horizon, and the release of a moderately deadly virus has robbed us of the feeling of “feeling safe.” This is because of a media that makes its money off of fear, but what about the ruling class who controls the media, what have they done? Several reports have said that they have actually made more money than ever during the pandemic. This ruling class has actually done nothing for us and the world has become a more dangerous place because of them. These lost civil liberties have been replaced with the lie that: we are doing this for your own safety. This comes from the same fascistic tyrants who also say, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” These Tyrants whisper sweet nothings of safety in the public’s ear, while at the same time saying “humanity is bad” because it is “destroying the environment” through “a climate crisis.” If you listen to the fallacies coming from a tyrant’s mouth you can always discover their true intentions.
This has never been more relevant with the discovery that was reported by the extremely left-leaning publication, Vice News. An article put out by the moderately journalistic website exposed that the CDC bought tracking data from a corporate fascist company called SafeGraph. This company tracks America’s user data to the point where it can monitor millions of Americans, then, with the click of a mouse, it can pinpoint that device and singularly track that American’s data. Basically, it can study the crowd while it simultaneously tracks the movements of individuals while accessing their cellphone data, which is now in the hands of private industry. The corporate technology sector and the governmental technology sector have merged into one monstrosity long ago; this was partly revealed by Edward Snowden’s book Permanent Record. Edward Snowden exposed years ago that private and public mergers of intelligence technology companies have blended together, making them indistinguishable from one another. There is no such thing as private data when you have corporation and governments working together to monitor American citizens. This is a modern realization that Americans need to come to grips with.
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The expose reported that a company called SafeGraph is allowed to take user data and track that user data, on the macro and micro scales. It can pick someone out of a crowd, say at a protest, and monitor that individual then create a profile which will log every piece of info on that individual. This company SafeGraph, which now admittedly works for the government, is then allowed to sell this information to any company that is willing to pay an exorbitant amount of money for it. The CDC paid $420,000 of American tax dollars to monitor Americans for their own good which is the very definition of Technocratic Corporate Fascism.
Vice News did some research and showed that Peter Thiel and the former head of Saudi Intelligence were among SafeGraph’s biggest investors. It was also revealed that Google banned the company from the Google Playstore because of the blatant obstructions of civil liberties that SafeGraph participated in. A group called Motherboard obtained documents through a Freedom of Information Act request that spilled the beans on the tyranny of the CDC. It revealed that the Center for Disease Control was not looking into the data for controlling disease, but for controlling dissenters who were going to commit “violence,” or as we the people call it, freedom of speech and free-will. Researchers who reviewed the documents claimed that: “The CDC seems to have purposefully created an open-ended list of cases, which included monitoring curfews, neighbor to neighbor visits, visits to churches, schools and pharmacies, and also a variety of analysis with this data specifically focused on ‘violence.’”
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These documents released by FOIA showed that the CDC tracked patterns of kids and parents visiting schools, the correlation between Covid restrictions and Covid cases, and, for some strange reason, the examination of the effectiveness of public policy on the Navajo Nation. The CDC openly claimed that it used the data for monitoring curfews, hourly monitoring of activity in curfew zones, and detailed counts of visits to pharmacies for vaccine monitoring. Many of these cell-phone location data sets were already available through the New York Times, but the CDC was the first government agency that the American public was aware of. The sad reality is that government agencies have been doing this for years without the American people’s knowledge and we the people have been paying for it.
The truth is that the CIA and the NSA has been tracking American’s data for decades, and this has been put out in the open for years. News organizations like the Washington Post have been reporting on the obstruction of civil liberties for which most Americans have been completely ignoring out of fear. This is a fear based on their unrealized oppression and the tyranny of an illegitimate government ruled by Technocratic Fascists. One report by the Washington Post detailed how two US senators wrote a letter demanding transparency, for which they got a letter in return saying that the CIA has an undisclosed data repository which has information about American citizens. The letter which was declassified and blacked out claimed that “the program operated outside the statuary framework that Congress and the public believe govern this collection.”
What the hell does this mean? Well, it means that the CIA and “their programs” are literally above the law by “decree in a letter,” or whatever the CIA feels at the time. This also means the CIA and the rest of the National Security State are not actually beholden to the laws of the Constitution, which means they are in violation of the Constitution; therefore, they are a domestic enemy of the American people. This also means the CIA can rollover whoever they want like some Mafioso with a hit list, and if you end up on that hit list, well….sorry for you, Pisano. The CIA went rogue a long time ago, and since then, they have built a National Security State apparatus that guarantees their control over every facet of free society.
These intelligence organizations lack any type of principles and break their own rules on a regular basis. The CIA and the National Security State, are the biggest criminal organization in the history of the world, second only to the Chinese Communist Party and other socialist party’s of the past. They are their own form of political party, The National Security Party; the party that always stays in power which you can never vote out of office. They are their own rogue nation of mercenaries that only care about their own fascistic needs for wealth, revenue, and institutional authority.
This is something that Edward Snowden reported on almost a decade ago when he escaped the National Security Agency that he worked for, which he contributed his many computer innovations to. He revealed the truth that the US has become a Surveillance State governed by an all powerful National Security apparatus, because he created top secret computer programs for them. Snowden had to run away to a different country where he remains completely exiled from the land of the free, never allowed to return without persecution. Edward Snowden is an American hero and every charge that has ever been placed should be dropped immediately, or he at least be pardoned by a future president. Who did Trump pardon? He pardoned Jonathan Pollard. In today’s day and age we persecute the heroes and reward the villains.
The just released Vice News article also reported that the CDC doesn’t even care about trampling all over the rights of the American people because it mentions that it is also going to use the data for “non-COVID-19” related programs.
Sections of the document within the Vice Article said this,
CDC also plans to use mobility data and services acquired through this acquisition to support non-Covid-19 programmatic areas and public health priorities across the agency, including but not limited to travel to parks and green spaces, physical activity and mode of travel, and population migration before, during, and after natural disasters,” it reads. “The mobility data obtained under his contract will be available for CDC agency—wide use and will support numerous CDC priorities.
When you step back and look at the big picture you realize that this doesn’t have anything to do with the public’s health, rather, it has to do with the control of the public based off of fear and politricks. The CDC released a document that claims that the “Climate Crisis” is a matter of public health that reveals their totalitarian intentions. This document claims that “global warming” is a health crisis and therefore it is a matter that needs to be dealt with by the Center for Disease Control. This equates to people being the disease that needs to be controlled to save the planet from themselves through the control of ‘’carbon emissions.” The CDC is now going to be monitoring American citizens based on their selfish needs of fueling up their station wagons. How hilarious. It is so amusing to see how much the governments of western powers care so little about their citizens to the point that “low carbon emissions” are more important than privacy rights or being able to afford to drive to work. Think of all of the single moms who won’t be able to afford to drive to work because they live in a toxic society. This CDC overreach is a total unconstitutional conflation of the authority of what the CDC is entitled to do, and who is paying for it, us, the American people are paying for our own future dystopia. (In the future, when you can’t drive to your job because you have exhausted your carbon allowance, realize who is to blame.)
The path to tyranny is going to be paved with saving the planet. The climate alarmists will tell you where you are allowed to go based on a monitored Techno-fascist system for “the greater good.” The CDC said on the webpage to this document, and please read between the lines, “CDC leads efforts to anticipate the health effects of climate change, to ensure that systems are in place to detect and track them, and to take steps to prepare for, respond to, and manage associated risks.” What they are not telling you is that those risks to the health effects of climate change are you and me, with our “carbon footprint.” The webpage even admits that, “the scientific understanding of the effects of climate change is still emerging.”
The CDC openly admits that the science is not even fully settled yet there is a pressing need to prepare for potential health risks. This health risk they claim is due to the “effects of climate change,” ok sure. They call this a public health preparedness approach that seems ridiculously neurotic for health risks that someone then has to prove was due to a climate crisis on a piece of paper. I mean why does this seem like it shouldn’t be the CDC’s job to do this? So why do they feel the need to monitor citizens for things other than disease control? Well the truth is hidden in their kind buzzwords which always hide dastardly intentions.
The webpage says,
This public health preparedness approach is applied to other threats in the absence of complete data, such as TERRORISM and pandemic influenza. A wide variety of organizations (federal, state, local, multilateral, private and nongovernmental) are addressing the implications of climate change globally. Despite this breadth of activity, the public health effects of climate change remain largely unaddressed.
Where is the proof for the public health effects of climate change? And who is not addressing climate change? The terrorists aren’t addressing climate change? Does that mean you are a “terrorist” if you don’t believe in climate change? Is that where this is heading? It seems that this is headed to the same place where all authoritarian fascist governments eventually go, genocide. “Kill all the terrorists that don’t believe in saving the planet,” the mob will say. The reality is that global warming has become a tool for politicians and bureaucrats for decades and it has been addressed at every level of government. It has been used as an excuse for higher taxes and government policies all over the world. In the future we will look back on “the climate crisis” as the excuse to implement global technocratic fascism. The ESG rating system is the perfect example of this implementation.
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The ESG rating system, which ESG stands for Environmental Social and Governance rating system, is a system of critique that judges companies based on their accordance with sustainability. This “sustainability” is code word for: are you sustaining harmony with the environment, and do you practice social justice and diversity? This is 21st century Fascism, and who will judge your ESG rating? Well the government bureaucracy will be judging your business on its “sustainability.” And you will be getting an ESG score through this “ESG rating” racket operation where the implementation of corporate fascism will be sweeping across the world. This is a world where the fascists will be destroying any form of competition through the government and if you don’t think and act in a “sustainable” way, well, the possibilities are endless for your destruction. This is all reported by US where they say, right from the start, at the very top of the article, “It may not be enough for companies to make profits anymore.”
The article details that the ESG rating system, which is corporate fascism, is going to ironically set a new standard of principles in their corporate framework, yeah, principles. This ESG rating system is promoted by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum that use the word sustainability to the point of absurdity. These ESG scores for companies will be authorized by investment firms who will make and break your company based on how ESG friendly you are.
The article by US news claims that,
The environmental component of an ESG score considers a company’s carbon emissions, energy consumption, and whether it is working to address climate change. The social component takes into account the diversity within the company and employee satisfaction. Last, the governance part evaluates the company’s board diversity, executive pay, corporate culture, and business ethics, among other things.
This is the ruling class’s solution for global warming, the implementation of Techno-Fascism into the world economy enforced by western authoritarian fascist governments and multi-national investment firms. The end of the free market is upon us, and most of us don’t even know it yet.
What this article talks about is what the World Economic Forum calls stakeholder capitalism. This is the economic model for the dystopian future. The article writes that things like “corporate culture”, (whatever the hell that is) is going to be deciding whether your business is going to thrive or fail based on what you think and say. These ESG good boy tokens are going decide whether your company is, “taking satisfactory actions to manage the business risks posed by ESG concerns.” Basically, the Kyles and the Karens in the world are going to be taking over the world economy making sure all of their criminal buddies succeed while your business flounders because you don’t have enough good-boy tokens. Nobody will be able to make a living with these tyrants in power as they make conducting business impossible, while the financial criminal mob steals money from their consumers. This will only consolidate more power and money to the already vastly rich and powerful, welcome to Corporate Fascism.
In a world like this nobody will be allowed to make millions of dollars unless you are part of the Techno-Fascist club. Unless you have the approval of the system, you are no longer allowed to make large sums of money. You can no longer run your business the way you want to, and you no longer have the authority to succeed because you will always be judged by a group of authoritarian bureaucrats.
A report by Roman Balmakov from the Epoch Times brought up the excellent point that the technology used to track American citizens could have been used to track the 2020 election, but it wasn’t. This is because the CDC claims that their own analysis was unreliable, which is ridiculous and laughable. Whether you believe it or not, many people feel like the 2020 election was stolen away from Donald Trump and deliberate election fraud was committed. Dinesh D’Souza is one of those people and in a very recent documentary he revealed that illegal ballot harvesting is how the Democrats stole the election. The documentary, called 2000 mules, showed how the same tracking technology that was being used by the CDC, is exactly how Dinesh proved the election fraud.
Roman revealed that the Canadian government used this tracking technology to monitor their citizens without their knowledge. This blatant loss of rights for the Canadian people was called Operation Laser. This was an “information operation” which is another term for Psychological Operations which in the past the west has used on its foreign adversaries. This information was so shocking to Canadians that Canadian politicians ordered an internal investigation, which revealed that the Operation Laser was a cesspool of government overreach. The biggest realization here is that the Canadian government is treating their own citizens like enemies of the state and foreign criminals. This proves that western governments have unilaterally declared a war on their own people, which equates to the ruling class versus the working class.
With the basic knowledge of what the ruling class openly says and does, what do you think they want do to humanity? Do you believe the American Government and the ruling class wants to keep Americans safe with economic lockdowns where they track our every movement? Or do you believe we are contributing to our own enslavement and oppression by a tyrant class? It is either one or the other, it can’t be both. With everything laid out before you, have these words changed your mind about Covid lockdowns? (If I haven’t changed your mind about your oppression, please study the truth sources) The reality that you must accept, and it is difficult, is that you are being ruled by tyrants who only want to subjugate you through exploitation.
This “tyrant class” in American corporations and government already have infinite wealth to the point where they could never possibly spend the money they have in ten life times. They could solve the world’s problems tomorrow, instead of giving money to Ukraine to kill and maim we could be feeding, educating, and housing Americans. The American public’s safety is the last thing they care about; in reality, they only care about our subjugation, our exploitation, and our eventual slavery. Ask yourself, do you want to be a slave?
We as Americans have to hold what freedoms we still have dearly, and promote the few politicians who claim to care about liberty and the constitution. If you feel the need to protest, do so. The true story of Edward Snowden is not modern news and any American who doesn’t know of their own tyranny and subjugation should be ashamed of themselves. Most Americans only care about reality TV shows and what gadget they can use to pointlessly waste their time. Be different than the rest! What they should be caring about is the open air prison that tyrants are building all around them, and ways on which to protest the implementation of this prison system. So don’t be like them! The reality that privacy rights of Americans are officially gone is old news at this current stage of worldwide enslavement. But it doesn’t have to be America’s enslavement! We can change the system to benefit us tomorrow if we really want to. Wake up America, this isn’t a game, but it is to them. Pay attention and keep your eye on the prize. Pay attention to the loss of your rights and fight for them. And pay attention to your own subjugation, before we have no rights or no prizes left to lose. Fight for the sake of fighting, and fight for the real right to choose.
I am fascinated and amazed with this writer. Makes you think, I mean really think, about the problems we have in America and around the world. Keep up the great work.